Current Committee Members

Role Name Role Desc.
Robert (Rob) Hall
Overall responsibility for the group. Chair committee meetings and liaise with other groups and organisations on our behalf.
Nigel Bright
Attend committee meetings, produce meeting notes, agendas and newsletters. Generally keeps chairman in order.
David Rogers
Keep records of group finances and arrange yearly accounts.
Membership Secretary
Tina Kelly
Maintain current records of group members. Issue membership cards annually and deal with applications from new members.
Training Officer
Kevin Fletcher
Has overall control of the tutors. Is responsible for recruiting and training new tutors and ensuring that the tutor group maintains high and uniform standards when tutoring.
Training Co-Ordinator
Liaise with Training Officer and arrange tutoring for associate members.
Maintain group publicity items and create advertising opportunities.
Ken Swinton
Managing sales of SaPAR clothing and other merchandise.
Web & Database Development

Ken Swinton & Nigel Bright

Gather info and maintain website and database.
To be decided
Maintain current content on Facebook
Social Events
Liaise with group members and organise social events.
Ride Coordinator
Nigel Bright
Maintain a list of the social rides and recruit and assist ride leaders.
Assistant Ride Coordinator
Bryan Murphy
Help Ride Coordinator arrange and develop monthly rideouts.
Non Specific Role
Simon Plevin
Attends committee meetings and assists when needed.
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