Shropshire and Powys Advanced Riders
Logo for RoSPA

Ride Information

Rideouts with advanced riders are a valuable way to improve your riding skills. Not a member? Why not join us on one of our rideout’s which usually run between April and December (weather permitting). These are an excellent way to not only see advanced riding in action but to see the delights of our surrounding area.
Our next rideout is planned for Sunday 3rd November departure @ 10:30, details to be posted as we get them. The route may be available to view and/or download to your sat nav from the Route Library pages.
The route led by Andy Ostrowski (courtesy of Nigel Bright) will take us first to Knighton where we will have the morning coffee break. We will then head towards the Elan Valley visitor centre for lunch. There will be a refuelling opportunity at Llanidloes, and (hopefully, whether permitting) a nice viewpoint stop overlooking Llyn Clywedog. From there, we will head east through Welshpool back to Montford Bridge. The route is 160 miles and should take around 5 hours to complete. Click to view the route
Please read the Important Information below for more detail regarding what to do on a Rideout.

Like to Ride in groups?

If you have enjoyed any of our rides and now fancy leading one yourself? Got an idea for a ride? Use the button below to get in touch.

Joining us on a Ride?

Please let us know by using the ‘Click 4 Form’ button below or email direct to [email protected]

Previous routes are available digitally from the ‘Route Library‘ page and can be exported to your Garmin or TomTom Sat-Nav devices using MyRouteApp. Most (but not all) routes are saved in the default (OpenStreetMap), please ensure that you change the Map detail to suit your device to either TomTom or Here (Garmin) and check that there are no changes to the route before saving to your device.  Please note, if downloading (exporting) to a Garmin device and you get straight lines instead of nice curvy lines then choose Garmin Old (GPX 1.o).

MyRouteApp is a free app that allows routes to be created or existing routes to be used. You can register for the app which for a 14 day trial provides the full program. After the trial you have the choice to either subscribe to the Gold version or continue to use the basic free version. This free version is perfectly adequate for creating and sharing routes. Also on the app website are many instructional videos and a useful forum which will help you to get the best out of the app. As always, if you need any assistance please get in touch. [email protected].

MRA Navigation is a navigation app for your phone for less than £17 PA but currently has an introductory offer of just under £9 PA (these are priced in Euros). This app will connect to any route that you create using MRA and will display said route on your phone screen with voice guidance.
Navigation Phone App.

We need ride leaders and Tail End Charlies for our monthly rides. Members, please see the ‘Ride Leaders, Dates and Times’ list in the Members Area which shows the planned rides and those needing a Ride Leader and Tail End Charlie. If you are willing and able to fill a slot then please let me know. It is not necessary to join as a pair, you can select either a ride leader or TEC position. Remember – no leader=no rideout
Monthly rideouts do not  just happen they have to be planned in advance. There are many routes already available in the Route Library which can be used as is or adapted to suit your requirements.
To lead a ride you must have a current RoSPA Advanced test certificate.
If you are able to contribute to the group’s activities, please read this document which outlines what is expected of a ride leader. For more information please contact [email protected].
As we are now commencing rideouts again we are in need of members to lead future rideouts. If you are happy/confident that you can lead a bunch of riders across the country, keep them all together and get them fed and watered then please come and have a go. A link to ‘Ride Leaders’  can be found using the link in the ‘We Need You‘ section above.
Advanced riding in action and great days out!
SaPAR has a social rideout on the first Sunday of the month between April and December. Unless otherwise stated, rideouts will usually depart at 09:30 from Montford Bridge picnic area on the A5 in Shrewsbury and end between 16:00 and 17:00 (ish). The exception to these times being November and December on which the rideout will be between 10:30 and 15:30 approx.  If you intend to eat at the cafe before the ride please allow enough time to be ready for the ride briefing (15 minutes before departure time). Members and non-members are welcome to come along and join us. These rideouts are a great way for members to get to know each other. Non-members can use these days out to see the advanced system of motorcycling at first hand, to learn about the group and hopefully decide to join us as a member. A typical run will cover from 100 to 170 miles depending on the time of year and conditions. We employ the “Second Man Drop Off” system to mark the route and keep the group together. Also, the use of a “Back-Marker” (Tail End Charlie) who never overtakes anyone ensures that there is no pressure on anyone to ride outside their personal comfort zone. Occasionally we also have longer runs, in addition to the regular monthly trips, and these always include regular stops to prevent fatigue.
Important Information – Please Read
Please note that some rides can be long, especially during the summer months and will almost certainly include some ‘interesting’ roads. Riders are reminded that they must ride within their capabilities at all times. There are opportunities to leave the ride at any time so long as Tail End Charlie is notified.
Marking: To ensure that the ride makes progress in a safe and positive manner it is important that markers are confident and ensure that the route direction is maintained and that their personal safety is ensured. The ride leader expects that the rider following him/her will mark the junction correctly and safely and will point to the location that requires marking. The marker will indicate with arm gestures the direction that he wants following riders to take and watch for Tail-end Charlie then re-join the group ahead of, or behind them considering the safety of each method. If re-joining the ride after TEC then overtake as soon as it is safe to do so. To achieve this process the rider following the leader should be close enough to the ride leader to observe any signal given by him/her and take the appropriate action. That said, if any new members or guests find themselves riding behind the leader and are not confident to mark the junction then they should slow down and let a more experienced rider pass in order that they may mark the junction. Failure to do this could result in the junction being left unmarked and following riders not taking the correct route.
Lunch and Comfort Stops: It is usual when stopping for a lunch or coffee break to scurry off, usually to the toilets. Before doing so please check with the ride leader what time you should be ready to depart. This will depend on the time that tail end Charlie arrives which could be significantly later than the ride leader. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are back in the car/bike park in time for departure. The ride leader WILL NOT go searching for you.
Don’t be shy: If you are a new member or have come along to see the rideout in action please introduce yourself to a SaPAR member with a Hi-Viz jacket (with the SaPAR logo on it). They will make you welcome and introduce you to other members of the group.

All riders must complete the disclaimer before commencing the ride. This explains that you are responsible for your own riding and safety. SaPAR cannot be held responsible should you have an accident, incident or breakdown.

In the event of unsafe conditions, floods, ice etc. It is the ride leader’s prerogative to cancel the ride. Better to miss a ride than cause harm to riders or machines.

There are rules regarding the rideout and by taking part you agree to adhere to these rules:
  • Tutors and full members will have been issued Hi-Viz vests with the SaPAR Logo printed on them. Can I ask that those attending the rideouts wear them?
  • If you are marking a junction, be sure to indicate with strong arm gestures where the following riders should go. This is not a good time to be checking your Emails.
  • Whilst riding, try to keep an eye on other riders in front and behind you, if they disappear they may be in trouble.
  • If you intend leaving the rideout before the end please let TEC know and leave either before or after the group so as not to confuse things. A rider suddenly veering off course causes concern and TEC could go chasing after them. If you leave and have a loaned Hi-Viz please return it to TEC before you leave.
  • Protective clothing must be suitable for riding a motorcycle in the current and expected conditions. Riders arriving at Montford Bridge expecting to ride with the group in shorts and flip flops will be disappointed.
  • You are responsible for your own riding.
  • Speed limits will be obeyed.
  • Overtaking within the group is allowed so long as it is done safely and courteously. Do not overtake the ride leader.
  • You must be in control of you motorcycle at all times.
  • Motorcycles MUST be taxed and where necessary MOT’d.
  • You must have a driving licence and insurance for the machine that you ride.
  • Tail End Charlie will always ride to the slowest riders abilities.
  • This is a social event, neither SaPAR, it’s officers or RoSPA can be held responsible for any injury or damage however caused. It is your responsibility to ride responsibly and within the law.
  • Always be punctual and with sufficient fuel. (Fuel stops will be made during the day.)
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