Shropshire and Powys Advanced Riders
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Quiz - Motorcycle Roadcraft

How well do you know your Motorcycle Roadcraft book? Answer the questions below and see how you fair. These and other quizzes are purely for your own amusement, the results will not be shared or stored anywhere but will provide you with an idea of how well you know the subject.
Each quiz will consist of 10 randomly chosen questions therefore will vary each time you try the quiz
Some questions are single answer whereas others require ‘All that Apply’ to be selected. Beside each question is a tooltip button which indicates the location within the book where you can get help if needed.
After you have completed all of the questions and clicked the ‘Finish’ button your result will be revealed. Should you answer a question incorrectly it will show with a red dotted outline with the correct answer underlined in green.
Questions have been based on Motorcycle Roadcraft – New Edition (2013), Ninth impression (2017) of Motorcycle Roadcraft

#1. If you are dazzled by oncoming lights you should? ? Page 77

Select all that apply:

#2. If you identify hazards on the nearside of the road Roadcraft suggests that you move closer to the centre line of the road. It tells us that this will provide which two benefits? ? Page 179

Select all that apply:

#3. Peripheral vision is? ? Page 59

#4. There are two methods of gear changing, they are? ? Pages 35 & 107

Select all that apply:

#5. Roadcraft says when “using the gears” you should aim to:- ? Page 105

Select all that apply:

#6. Causes of a front wheel skid could be ? Page 158

Select all that apply:

#7. A Left turn is usually slower than a right turn because? ? Page 37

#8. Counter steering is? ? Page 134

#9. Which of these is not a guideline for braking in Roadcraft? ? Page 110

#10. What precautions should you take when riding in bad weather? ? Page 80

Select all that apply:



Well done, an excellent result

Oh dear, best to go back and read Motorcycle Roadcraft again.

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